I wonder why Angus Stewart went? I know the role he played, what I mean is it must have been difficult to contact him. Isn't he a judge now?
Does one of the party know him personally?
this happened yesterday.
I wonder why Angus Stewart went? I know the role he played, what I mean is it must have been difficult to contact him. Isn't he a judge now?
Does one of the party know him personally?
the wife and i were expecting a health worker to call at our door 10:30 this morning and about 10;35 two women appeared at our door so i opened up thinking they were who i expected ,so i was take back a bit being caught off guard when they identified themselves as doing a bible work.. this is just the gist of what took place & not a word for word conversation.. a woman about in her fifties her companion about her twenties.the older woman did most of the talking as she read to me the scripture from her phone " in the last days critical times hard to deal with...etc.etc.and she went back and emphasised that we were living in the last days because of what that scripture said.. i made the comment that the scripture just about sums up human history in any given time.then i went on to say that this day and age is the best time in human history overall given the advances in technology ,medical procedures ,the overall standard of living being higher and so on .but they insisted on we were living in the last days.then i said different religions have been claiming that for the past couple hundred years.. then to throw them a curve ball i asked if they were mormons ?
oh no we are jehovah`s witnesses.had i been prepared for them and not caught out unawares i would have taken a different tact.i then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so i then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
( the light gets brighter).
Hi Smiddy
I then asked the older woman how long she has been a witness and she said 36 years so I then said to her you must have seen a lot of changes in your religion during that time which she agreed with.
That remindes me of Theocratic Min School. If the householder is elderly say, "you must have seen a lot of changes in your time."
whether it be sports athletes or hollywood heavyweights or talk show hosts—do these people influence your thinking?.
This man had some interesting views. He anticipated relativity before Einstein. Also influenced Sigmund Freud's nephew (who gave us PR), Adolph Hitler and Mussolini - plus one or two others:-
Le Bon theorised that the new entity, the "psychological crowd", which emerges from incorporating the assembled population not only forms a new body but also creates a collective "unconsciousness". As a group of people gather together and coalesces to form a crowd, there is a "magnetic influence given out by the crowd" that transmutes every individual's behaviour until it becomes governed by the "group mind". This model treats the crowd as a unit in its composition which robs every individual member of their opinions, values and beliefs; as Le Bon states: "An individual in a crowd is a grain of sand amid other grains of sand, which the wind stirs up at will".
"the watchtower society is not a religious society for 👥 public worship, such as a ⛪️ church, but is a 💲 business corporation..."
➡️ please use and demonstrate this if you are involved in any legal action, it's not about religious rights and freedom, this is where they are 'fooling' their followers and authorities❗️
➡️ the purpose of disfellowshipping, disassociating and shunning are 'legalistic and pharisaical tricks' to 'name and shame' anyone asking (the right) questions about it's biblical teachings (aka) doctrines, (abuse) policies and the real truth about the 'truth' (aka apostate)❗️
Given that worship is pretty close to religion, some may find this helpful.
My definition of a worship is a set of priorities. Even celebrities or sports people are referred to as idols. Some people feel compelled to do stuff just because their favorite celeb has done something. If they don't act in a certain way they feel not at-one with IT, whatever their IT is.
"the watchtower society is not a religious society for 👥 public worship, such as a ⛪️ church, but is a 💲 business corporation..."
➡️ please use and demonstrate this if you are involved in any legal action, it's not about religious rights and freedom, this is where they are 'fooling' their followers and authorities❗️
➡️ the purpose of disfellowshipping, disassociating and shunning are 'legalistic and pharisaical tricks' to 'name and shame' anyone asking (the right) questions about it's biblical teachings (aka) doctrines, (abuse) policies and the real truth about the 'truth' (aka apostate)❗️
And potentially, free labour.
The body of Christ can be described as an organisation because a body is made up or organs. But a corporation is also a body, usually set up for the purpose of business.
The thing to examine is the relationships between the people. Are they based on love (as in brotherly love and a voluntary spirit) seeking the genuine well being of the other person or are they based on contract and money. Ok, WBTS does not use money. In their case they use a kind of enticement. I am not quite sure how to describe it. Social engineering? Priviledge? Mind control?
The point I want to make is that they are not seeking the other person's well being but their exploitation.
this is the first time i have posted on here in many years..... i seldom visit now although this forum was instrumental to me in gaining my sanity in the early 2000's and recovering from the watchtower religion.. by chance tonight i was on youtube and caught a jw.org video which out of curiosity prompted me to look at the official website and amongst other things i looked up the music section.. why that i hear you ask?
music is my passion and nothing reminds me more or evokes more memories than the kingdom songs i grew up listening to.. i am 49 years old and my mother was baptised in 1974. i grew up in the era of pink songbooks and green bibles.
of the theology of fred franz and types and anti-types.
Hi days of future passed
You said - That was back in the day before 1975 and people had a firm belief that soon, yes soon Armageddon would bring relief and the end of death.
And some in the audience already knew they had been conned by teachings that they'd see a resurrected King David come out onto the platform.
Some who knew they had been conned were very forgiving but they spoke out. Now your are definately not allowed to speak out otherwise you are making the congregation 'dirty' with the truth.
it is choice of name i was never happy with.
so to re-introduce myself i chose number 6, after the main character in that superb 60's sci fi series "the prisoner".
six of one, half a dozen of the other i suppose.
Posted 18 years ago - wow. Haven't read your whole post but one thing stood out the ref to 1984. Did you realise that George Orwell based his Ministry of Truth on the BBC?
Program makers at the BBC have been much influenced by Hollywood communicators/film makers and the founder of PR - Sigmund Freud's nephew who paved the way for today's advertising. It was part of a sustained cultural attack which I believe was due to the fact that Marxism had failed on purely economic terms. Therefore, something else was needed.
Orwell was criticising Communism from a left-wing perspective.
My take on it is that the issue is not just about false religion, it is also spin, the destruction of logic and seeking to influence people with a view to entrapment rather than the freedom and loving kindness that Jesus Christ is all about.
2 + 2 = 4 except when we say it equals 5.
But if you know the truth about maths (plus some), it will set you free from nuked logic. Incidentally in the Greek, Jesus' disciples are called mathete. Jesus expected them to think and work things out.
this subject has been brought up before.
the governing body and watchtower have repeatedly encouraged jws to show loyalty to the organization to "keep the congregation clean" by reporting wrongdoing to the elders.. i know directly of two cases.
two jws working in the records department of our local hospital "outed" 3rd gens 1st husband to the local elders when he and his mistress sought medical treatment together for stds.
"the watchtower society is not a religious society for 👥 public worship, such as a ⛪️ church, but is a 💲 business corporation..."
➡️ please use and demonstrate this if you are involved in any legal action, it's not about religious rights and freedom, this is where they are 'fooling' their followers and authorities❗️
➡️ the purpose of disfellowshipping, disassociating and shunning are 'legalistic and pharisaical tricks' to 'name and shame' anyone asking (the right) questions about it's biblical teachings (aka) doctrines, (abuse) policies and the real truth about the 'truth' (aka apostate)❗️
Hi Blondie - I came in in 1992 and I remember being taught WBTS is not a religion. The one who studied with me asked me a very interesting question:
"Would you call Jesus religious?" I thought about her words for a bit then replied, "no, he wasn't."
On occassion I have asked others, who know a reasonable amount about Jesus, that question. They too respond saying Jesus wasn't religious.
Maybe the reason for this is because Jesus Christ is about freedom and treating others properly. Not binding them by re-ligaments to someone who wants to muscle in on his role.
my pimi wife listens to a lot of the meetings on the phone with the speaker on.
when i am watching tv i hear the meetings in the background.
i just cringe with how a witless can't give a comment without having said jehovah at least two times.
A new word that entered their volcabulary a while back was the word 'entertainment'. An elder got on the platform and seeking to elicit more funds from the poor, informed us how expensive it was to go to a football match or a concert.
Then he said, "but where else could you go to get entertainment like this?"
Hmm. Entertainment?